Hand Therapy is an art and a science. At Loya Community Hand Rehabilitation Center we understand that we are welcoming a person whose life is disrupted by a serious injury. We provide an environment that allows the patient to feel at home and then to explore the skills and treatment that bring superior results. We customize each person's program to meet their individual diagnosis requirements.
Personalized care.
From woundcare to splinting, soft tissue remodeling to strengthening... at each step of the journey toward recovery, we never forget that this injury belongs to a real person with dreams and goals...
Loya Community Hand Rehabilitation Center is a state-of-the-art hand rehabilitation center in a comfortable community-based setting.
We've found that our small size is an asset. We don't rush the healing process. Appointment times are customized to meet patient needs, with 1 hour for evaluations and treaments of up to 1 hour.
Longstanding commitment.
Over the past 12 years we've served thousands of upper extremity patients from our community.
Accepting new patients.
If you're a physician interested in referring, we are accepting new patients by prescription. Feel free to contact us with questions.
If you're a patient interested in receiving therapy, please ask your doctor if they think you would benefit from our special care. We are a Medicare provider and accept most worker compensation insurance and major medical insurances.